Shop Owners Turn Extra Space into Extra Cash with TruckPark

Shop Owners Turn Extra Space into Extra Cash with TruckPark

Every shop owner knows that additional streams of revenue can make or break a business. TruckPark’s mission of helping provide drivers with safe and efficient parking solutions has proven to be a win-win in the trucking industry. Not only are the lives of drivers improved, but shop owners from coast to coast are enjoying additional cash flow and having future customers brought to their front door.

TruckPark’s premise is simple, drivers need a safe place to park without wasting time searching for parking, while real estate partners (like shop owners) have space and the desire to make extra cash and provide additional services. By making a connection between both parties on their easy-to-use app, TruckPark has created a solution for everyone.

TruckPark App

The app operates on a unique cloud-based platform that allows drivers to book on-demand parking reservations. Their partner locations are secure, and many offer a range of services to save on time, money, and stress as a driver or fleet manager. Beyond parking, TruckPark coordinates on-demand fuel delivery and roadside assistance. It’s benefits to drivers and shop or lot owners are extensive, showing a dedication to improving lives and bottom lines.

By focusing on community and connection, TruckPark has created a network of safe parking locations coast to coast in the United States and Canada.

TruckPark Real Estate Partner Map

While regular shop business may have slow periods, there are always trucks on the road and drivers who need to rest, by choice or law. The opportunity to provide a haven for drivers not only capitalizes on unused space but provides shop owners the chance to build the relationships that can lead to short- and long-term business. In just a few clicks, a shop owner's next best customer could be pulling in.

If you own or lease a shop with a lot, becoming a real estate partner is a great way to increase repair shop revenue. TruckPark has experts to help you through the process of becoming a partner. Not only does being a partner bring in revenue from reservations, but it brings your next best customer right to your front door. The opportunities are endless, a shop could provide diagnostic or repair services. Many creative shop owners will find additional revenue streams offering preventative maintenance, washing, or convenience services.

Take the first step in turning your extra space into extra cash by filling out the form below. Diesel Laptops will get you in touch with one of TruckPark's real estate partner experts:

TruckPark Interest Form

To keep up with everything new at TruckPark, follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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